It might be something it might be nothing - get it checked !

Brian Place urges Men to not delay and seek help to identify that something that is not quite right.

Follow these links to read Brians Story in the press

It’s only a pea-size lump - DON’T ignore it, get it checked

Mark Thatcher - tells the story of his Pea Sized lump and how his wife put him on the road to recovery.

Follow these links to read Marks Story in the press

Double trauma for Roger Stanley

Roger gets his own personal story out there, spreading the very important message about Breast Cancer in Men.

Follow these links to read Rogers story in the press

EastEnders Feature

In May 2022, The Men’s VMU Co-Founder, Doug Harper was approached by Macmillan Cancer Support who were advising the producers of the BBC soap, EastEnders.

Eastenders were planning to run a storyline where the character Stuart Highway, played by Ricky Champ, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Doug was asked to provide the perspective of a man who had had breast cancer and to assist the production team in accurately reflecting the experience.

Ricky attended The Men’s VMU and is now an honorary member of the group. Ricky and Doug recorded the following video on the set of EastEnders to assist the VMU to get the message out that men can get breast cancer.

‘Massive thanks to all the guys at the VMU for your help and your stories. I appreciate it so much. We could not have told this story without your honesty and generosity’.

-Ricky Champ aka Stuart Highway BBC Eastenders